
Modern statistics and machine learning typically involves large amounts of data coupled with computationally inten- sive methods such as neural networks 1 and Gaussian processes.2 For many of these models, classical inference such as hypothesis testing, is replaced by an emphasis on understanding generalized (out of sample) performance, as measured by prediction accuracy. Rather than fitting models to all the data, one partitions the observations into training and hold- out sets. Models are fit (parameters are estimated) using the training data set. Many models of different types are then considered, and their prediction accuracy is assessed on the holdout set.

The allocation of data rows to the training and holdout partitions are often implemented using random sampling, not taking into account the structure of the data. However, data often has a complex underlying structure matching the problem at hand. Examples of structure in data include operational restrictions and time sequencing issues resulting from the data generation process itself. In the literature, some resampling methods consider the data structure, to some degree. For example, using the Euclidian distance between the samples, the Kennard-Stone algorithm 3 considers splitting the data into the training and calibration sets based on the distance to the points already selected. Hedayat et al. 4 discuss balanced resampling methods, with the exclusion of contiguous units. Other approaches for data partitioning, such as leverage-based sampling 5 and venetian-blinds method 6 are based on the ordering of the samples and have been developed under different contexts. However, these methods do not explicitly incorporate the data generation structure into the modeling and data partition.

Motivation and Key Method

To fill this gap, we focuse on the role of data structure in the partitioning of observational data into training and hold-out datasets for assessing the fit of predictive models. We propose embracing the data generation structure to parti- tion the data for validating predictive model. This is essential to the success of data science projects. To meet this challenge, the framework of befitting cross validation (BCV) is developed here in connection to the Information Quality (InfoQ) per- spective.

Clearly, a complex data structure increases the challenge of machine learning to be sensible and accurate. In particular, the cross-validation approach, commonly used in machine learning, encounters the challenges of how to appropriately partition data into the training dataset and the hold-out dataset in complex data structures. Conventional cross validation applies a random partition of the data into training and hold-out datasets. As shown in Figure 2, such a random allo- cation cross validation approach does not necessarily account for the data structure in the whole dataset. In such cases the training dataset and the hold-out dataset do not have the same data structure as the whole data. Consequently, the machine learning method could result in misleading performance.

To address this challenge, we propose a befitting cross-validation (BCV) embracing the data generation structure, as illustrated in Table 1. BCV incorporates the data generation structure of the whole data into the partition of the training data and hold-out data with the following three principles.

-BCV Principle 1: The formation of training and hold-out datasets should reflect the goal of the study.

-BCV Principle 2: The training dataset and the hold-out dataset should have the same data generation structure as the whole dataset.

-BCV Principle 3: The construction of the hold-out dataset should reflect the data generation structure needed for the predictive model.


In the era of Data Sceince, cross validation is widely used. In this post, we address issues with hold out sets and cross validation in the context of data splitting. 36 We propose the BCV method to handle such conditions and thereby provide for enhanced information quality in predictive analytics modeling. BCV focuses on cross validation for predictive models, whose goal is prognostic with the InfoQ utility being prediction accuracy. The proposed BCV key concepts and principles can be extended to bootstrapping, whose goal is diagnostic. In this case the InfoQ utility is error rate and estimates of variability. The proposed method deals with a general methodological issue requiring an information quality assessment, so that the analytics associated with data generates information quality. From such an perspective, one can derive proper holdout and cross validation strategies that enable proper generalization of predictive analytic models. BCV extensions are also possible to situations where the data generation process can be learned from the data itself.